User Guide ========== Authorize your app ------------------ Step 1: Instantiate AuthClient object +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ :: auth_client = AuthClient( client_id, client_secret, redirect_uri, environment, ) Valid values for environment include `sandbox` and `production`. `redirect_uri` should be set in your Intuit Developer app's Keys tab under the right environment. Step 2: Get Authorization URL +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Get authorization url by specifying list of `intuitlib.enums.Scopes` :: url = auth_client.get_authorization_url([Scopes.Accounting]) After user connects to the app, the callback URL has params for `state`, `auth_code` and `realm_id` (`realm_id` for Accounting and Payments scopes only) Step 3: Get Tokens and Expiry details ++++++++++++++++++++++++ The `auth_code` from URL params from Step 2 is used to get bearer tokens. Optionally, `realm_id` is passed to set this property for `auth_client` object. :: auth_client.get_bearer_token(auth_code, realm_id=realm_id) After successful response, `access_token`, `refresh_token`, etc properties of `auth_client` object are set. Step 4 (OAuth): Sample API Call +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Here's a sample API call to show how to use `access_token` to get CompanyInfo for Accounting API. :: base_url = '' url = '{0}/v3/company/{1}/companyinfo/{1}'.format(base_url, auth_client.realm_id) auth_header = 'Bearer {0}'.format(auth_client.access_token) headers = { 'Authorization': auth_header, 'Accept': 'application/json' } response = requests.get(url, headers=headers) Step 4 (OpenID): User Info API call +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ User Info is returned by this method for OpenID scope only: :: response = auth_client.get_user_info() Or by passing the `access_token` as a parameter: :: response = auth_client.get_user_info(access_token='EnterAccessTokenHere') Refresh Tokens -------------- Validity for Intuit's `access_token` is 60 min and `refresh_token` is 24 hours. A fresh `access_token` and `refresh_token` can be retrieved by calling the refresh token endpoint. If `auth_client.refresh_token` property is already set, this can be done by: :: auth_client.refresh() Or by passing the `refresh_token` as a parameter: :: auth_client.refresh(refresh_token='EnterRefreshTokenHere') Revoke Tokens ------------- If `auth_client.refresh_token` or `auth_client.access_token` property is already set, this can be done by: :: auth_client.revoke() Alternatively, pass the `refresh_token` or `access_token` as a parameter: :: auth_client.revoke(token='EnterAccessOrRefreshTokenHere') If successfully revoked, this method returns `True` Migrate OAuth 1.0a Tokens ------------------------- `Migration` module migrates OAuth 1.0a token to OAuth2 tokens. The method takes in valid OAuth 1.0a tokens (consumer_key, consumer_secret, access_key, access_secret), `auth_client` object from `intuitlib.client.AuthClient` object as well as list of `intuitlib.enum.Scopes` :: migrate( consumer_key, consumer_secret, access_key, access_secret, auth_client, [Scopes.ACCOUNTING] ) Error Handling -------------- In case of HTTP Errors, the client raises `intuitlib.exceptions.AuthClientError` which has properties `status_code`, `intuit_tid`, `timestamp`, etc which can used for troubleshooting or while contacting `Support `_ :: try: auth_client.get_bearer_token(auth_code, realm_id=realm_id) except AuthClientError as e: # just printing here but it can be used for retry workflows, logging, etc print(e.status_code) print(e.content) print(e.intuit_tid)